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Peter did a great job bringing examples of what he talked about through video and other visuals.

Excellent depth of knowledge on the topic.

Peter has a world class knowledge of this subject and it shows. Had never done a zoom course before and don't particularly like them. Realized too late it was online but regardless glad I took it. The resources list was thorough and I intend to follow up on many of the books he recommended. Managed to present an impartial narrative on a subject that can raise emotions on both sides.

He is very passionate and knowledgeable about the subject. He Rouses interest in the student with his main goal of student awareness of the utopian and dystopian aspects of life with sentient robots. A lot of relevant material provided in each module. questions offered and comments space provided.discussion followed dealing with aspects of the provided material.

I thoroughly enjoyed taking this course with Peter Scott. He has an incredible range of knowledge about artificial intelligence. With humour and deep understanding of just what is at stake he provided us with thought provoking sessions each and every class. I learned a lot! I actually think this course should be mandatory for all students. The world is changing so quickly and AI will permeate just about every aspect of our existence. To be prepared, to know what is coming and coming with great speed is a critical component to every one's education. I have already told others how much I have enjoyed this course and encouraged them to consider registering for it next time it is offered.

Peter’s book was equally valuable and an excellent adjunct to the on line program. Make it required reading.

The topic of artificial intelligence is endlessly fascinating and your course was excellent in providing a leaping point for further investigation into this amazing field. There is so much material on this subject that it is impossible to cover all of the facets involved but you did a brilliant job of highlighting both the technical aspects as well as the philosophical and ethical elements in play.

Thank you for your passion in artificial intelligence and in sharing your knowledge so that we might be better served by it.

I've definitely recommended that your course be offered regularly in the future. It's rather remarkable that this timely topic has not been offered up to now. I also wonder to what extent even university undergraduates get exposure to this topic, which has so many possible future consequences. The general public is simply unaware, I fear, and the media is useless in exploring topics that have such complex probable consequences.

We feel honoured that we benefitted from hearing your voice and enjoyed your humour and wit as well as your important message. You have made us miss Douglas Adams terribly though. We are big fans of Douglas Adams as well. Nice to know more about the answer to life the universe and everything. Until you came along we have only responded with '42'.


Peter did a great job bringing examples of what he talked about through video and other visuals.

Excellent depth of knowledge on the topic.

Peter has a world class knowledge of this subject and it shows. Had never done a zoom course before and don't particularly like them. Realized too late it was online but regardless glad I took it. The resources list was thorough and I intend to follow up on many of the books he recommended. Managed to present an impartial narrative on a subject that can raise emotions on both sides.

He is very passionate and knowledgeable about the subject. He Rouses interest in the student with his main goal of student awareness of the utopian and dystopian aspects of life with sentient robots. A lot of relevant material provided in each module. questions offered and comments space provided.discussion followed dealing with aspects of the provided material.

I thoroughly enjoyed taking this course with Peter Scott. He has an incredible range of knowledge about artificial intelligence. With humour and deep understanding of just what is at stake he provided us with thought provoking sessions each and every class. I learned a lot! I actually think this course should be mandatory for all students. The world is changing so quickly and AI will permeate just about every aspect of our existence. To be prepared, to know what is coming and coming with great speed is a critical component to every one's education. I have already told others how much I have enjoyed this course and encouraged them to consider registering for it next time it is offered.

Peter’s book was equally valuable and an excellent adjunct to the on line program. Make it required reading.

The topic of artificial intelligence is endlessly fascinating and your course was excellent in providing a leaping point for further investigation into this amazing field. There is so much material on this subject that it is impossible to cover all of the facets involved but you did a brilliant job of highlighting both the technical aspects as well as the philosophical and ethical elements in play.

Thank you for your passion in artificial intelligence and in sharing your knowledge so that we might be better served by it.

I've definitely recommended that your course be offered regularly in the future. It's rather remarkable that this timely topic has not been offered up to now. I also wonder to what extent even university undergraduates get exposure to this topic, which has so many possible future consequences. The general public is simply unaware, I fear, and the media is useless in exploring topics that have such complex probable consequences.

We feel honoured that we benefitted from hearing your voice and enjoyed your humour and wit as well as your important message. You have made us miss Douglas Adams terribly though. We are big fans of Douglas Adams as well. Nice to know more about the answer to life the universe and everything. Until you came along we have only responded with '42'.


Thank you for an outstanding presentation today. London Futurists set high standards for their speakers and you clearly exceeded the bar. I have added your book on my Kindle shelf. I plan to use it to provide additional educational material for my current work as advisor to college students in the United States.

Excellent presentation on Al and what the potential this system is capable of in all fields of advancement.

The presentation was absolutely fascinating, and the speaker was clear, concise and engaging.


Peter and Pierre did a wonderful job delivering important, cutting-edge content to our ICFLA Chapter members. We are all looking for ways to better serve our clients and equip them for the unique challenges of this accelerating world. Their work is an antidote to overwhelm and confusion! They are incredibly generous and thoughtful professionals. ICFLA was proud to present their work.